Insect Swarm DND: Stats, Mechanics & Ultimate Guide

This is your ultimate guide to the stats, mechanics, and background of insect swarms and how they can add depth, challenge, and excitement to your DND campaign.

We’ll also cover variants, combat tactics, DM tips, traps, magic items, and FAQs.

Grab your adventurer’s gear, and let’s dive into the buzzing, crawling, and flying world of insect swarms in DND.

What Is an Insect Swarm DND?

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Insect swarms are a collective of small, flying insects that can be a nuisance or a genuine threat to adventurers in the D&D universe.

They are usually composed of creatures like bees, wasps, locusts, or similar insects.

They can be found in various environments such as forests, swamps, or caves.

Insect swarms are known for their ability to hinder and harm adventurers by overwhelming them with sheer numbers, making them a unique challenge to face in-game.

Insect Swarm DND Stat Block

HP22 (5d8)
Speed20 ft., fly 30 ft.
AttackBites (2d4 piercing)
SensesBlindsight 10 ft.
AbilitiesSwarm, Damage Resistance
ActionsSwarm Attack
EnvironmentForest, Swamp, Cave
Insect Swarm DND Stat Block

Swarm Mechanics: The swarm has the ability to coexist within the same space as another creature, and likewise, other creatures can occupy the swarm’s space. The swarm can traverse any gaps or openings that are big enough for a minuscule insect to pass through.

Additionally, the swarm is incapable of getting temporary hit points or getting back hit points already lost.

Damage Resistance: The swarm has damage resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing attacks.

Swarm Attack: The swarm deals bite damage to all creatures within its space.

Insect Swarm DND Description

An insect swarm is a massive collection of small insects that fly together, creating a buzzing and chaotic cloud.

They can vary in size, from a few square feet to covering an entire room or area.

Insect swarms often move in response to stimuli, such as the presence of potential food, threats, or changes in their environment.

For a more detailed description that you can use as a DM or GM, check out the DM tips section below.

Types of Insect Swarms in D&D

There are several types of insect swarms in D&D, each with its unique characteristics and abilities.

Some of the most common types of insect swarms include:

Bee Swarms

Bee swarms are composed of numerous bees that can deliver painful stings to their targets.

They can be found in forests or near sources of nectar.

When provoked, bee swarms can become aggressive, attacking any creature that threatens their hive or territory.

Wasp Swarms

Similar to bee swarms, wasp swarms consist of a large group of wasps that can inflict painful stings on their victims.

They can be found in a variety of environments, from forests to underground caves. Wasp swarms are generally more aggressive than bee swarms and may attack without provocation.

Locust Swarms

Locust swarms are made up of countless locusts that can cause significant damage to crops and vegetation.

They are typically found in plains or grasslands.

Locust swarms can quickly devastate an area by consuming all available food sources.

While they don’t have a painful sting or bite, their sheer numbers can be overwhelming to those who cross their path.

Firefly Swarms

Firefly swarms are unique in that they consist of numerous bioluminescent insects capable of producing light.

While they are generally harmless and not a direct threat.

However, their presence can create an eerie and unsettling atmosphere, potentially serving as a distraction or hindrance to adventurers.

Bleeding Insect Swarm

A bleeding insect swarm is a variant of the traditional insect swarm, made up of insects that have a unique ability to cause bleeding wounds when they bite their victims.

This swarm might consist of insects like:

  • Blood-sucking mosquitoes
  • Aggressive fleas
  • Other biting insects with razor-sharp mandibles

When a creature takes damage from a bleeding insect swarm, it may also suffer from a continuous loss of hit points due to bleeding, requiring a successful Medicine check or magical healing to stop the bleeding effect.

Centipede Insect Swarm

A centipede insect swarm is a collective of countless crawling centipedes.

The swarm can overwhelm its targets by swarming over them and biting with its venomous mandibles.

While not flying like other insect swarms, centipede swarms are known for their ability to climb walls and ceilings, making them difficult to escape or avoid.

When a creature takes damage from a centipede swarm, it may also be exposed to venom.

And that can cause paralysis or other debilitating conditions.

Not enough options for you?

No problem. You can turn any DND monster into a swarm by tweaking the stats. Just no dragon swarms unless you want a total party kill (TPK).

Insect Swarm DND Variants and Homebrew Ideas

Creating unique insect swarm DND variants can add an extra layer of challenge and intrigue to encounters.

Here are some homebrew ideas for insect swarm variants:

  • Blinding Swarm. This swarm is composed of insects with brightly colored wings or bioluminescent bodies that emit a dazzling light, potentially blinding or disorienting creatures within range.
  • Disease-Carrying Swarm. The insects in this swarm carry a deadly disease, which can be transmitted to creatures they bite. Players bitten by these insects may need to successfully pass a Constitution dice throw or risk contracting the disease.
  • Elemental Swarm. In a setting with elemental planes or magic, you could create insect swarms infused with elemental energies, such as a fiery swarm of beetles that deal additional fire damage or a swarm of electrified insects that deal lightning damage.

Insect Swarm Combat Tactics

Insect swarms rely on their numbers and ability to occupy the same space as their target to deal damage.

While they are resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing attacks, they are vulnerable to area-of-effect damage, such as fire or cold.

When in combat, consider the following insect swarm DND tactics:

  • Surrounding and engulfing a single target to deal consistent damage over time
  • Harassing ranged attackers to disrupt their aim and focus
  • Utilizing their ability to move through small openings to bypass obstacles or defenses
  • Combining swarms with other creatures or environmental hazards to create a multi-layered encounter

Insect Swarm DND Ecology and Behavior

In DND, insect swarms often have unique ecologies and behaviors that vary depending on the type of insect and the environment they inhabit.

Understanding these aspects can help create a more immersive and engaging game world.


Insect swarms can be found in various environments, such as:

  • Forests. Bee and wasp swarms often inhabit forested areas, building hives in trees or other secluded locations.
  • Swamps. Mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insect swarms thrive in the damp, humid conditions of swamps and marshlands.
  • Grasslands. Locust swarms are typically found in grasslands and plains, where they can consume large quantities of vegetation.
  • Caves and Underground. Centipede swarms and other crawling insects may be found in dark, damp caves or underground environments.

Life Cycles

The life cycles of insect swarms can vary depending on the species, but many follow similar patterns of growth and development:

  • Egg stage. Insects lay their eggs in a suitable environment, often in large numbers to ensure survival.
  • Larval stage. Hatched insects go through a larval stage, during which they consume food and grow rapidly.
  • Pupal stage. After reaching a certain size, insects enter a pupal stage, during which they metamorphose into their adult form.
  • Adult stage. Adult insects emerge from their pupae, mate, and lay eggs to begin the cycle anew.

Understanding these life cycles can lead to interesting encounters, such as players discovering a hidden insect nest or encountering a swarm during their frenzied mating season.

Allies and Enemies of Insect Swarms

Insect swarms can have various relationships with other creatures, factions, or NPCs in the game world.

Some examples include:

  • Druids and Rangers. Some druids and rangers have a deep connection with nature and may be able to communicate with or control insect swarms. They could use these swarms to protect their territory or aid them in their endeavors.
  • Insectoid Races. Races such as Thri-Kreen, Formians, or other insect-like creatures might have a natural affinity for insect swarms or even share a symbiotic relationship with them.
  • Cults and Evil Factions. Dark cults or evil factions might worship insect deities, viewing swarms as divine messengers or instruments of their god’s will. These factions could use insect swarms to terrorize the local population, spread diseases, or carry out other nefarious deeds.
  • Pest Control Specialists. In cities or towns plagued by insect swarms, pest control specialists may be hired to deal with the infestation. These NPCs could provide valuable information or assistance to the players in dealing with insect swarms or even become allies in their adventures.

Insect Swarm Ideas for D&D Campaigns

Insect swarms can be used in various ways to create engaging encounters and challenges for your players.

Here are some ideas to incorporate insect swarms into your campaign:

  • The players must recover a valuable item from an ancient temple infested with aggressive wasp swarms
  • A magical artifact has caused a massive locust swarm, which threatens to devastate the region’s food supply.
  • The players must navigate a dark, underground cavern filled with bioluminescent firefly swarms that create disorienting patterns of light and shadow.
  • A powerful druid or ranger has control over insect swarms, using them to protect their territory or carry out acts of vengeance.
  • The party discovers an ancient temple dedicated to a long-forgotten insect deity. The temple is filled with traps and puzzles themed around insects and guarded by various insect swarms.
  • A powerful, intelligent insect queen controls swarms of insects to achieve her goals, such as expanding her territory or gathering resources. The players must find a way to disrupt the hive mind and stop the queen.
  • A mysterious plague is causing insects to swarm and attack nearby settlements, causing chaos and destruction. The players must investigate the cause and find a way to stop the plague.
  • A cult is attempting to summon an immense insect swarm to devastate the land. The party must infiltrate the cult, disrupt the ritual, and defeat the cult leaders.
  • The players are hired to track down and capture a dangerous criminal who has the ability to control insect swarms, using them to commit crimes and evade capture.
  • The party must steal a valuable artifact from a heavily-guarded location, using insect swarms to create distractions, disable traps, or otherwise aid in their heist.
  • The players become involved in an underground insect racing circuit, where they must train and race their own insect swarms to win bets and gain fame.
  • A player character gains an insect swarm as a familiar or animal companion, providing unique abilities and challenges as they learn to work together.
  • The party explores a dungeon infested with various insect swarms, each with unique abilities and tactics, requiring the players to adapt and strategize to survive.
  • An assassin who uses insect swarms to carry out their contracts targets the party or someone they care about, forcing the players to uncover the assassin’s identity and motives.
  • The players must negotiate with an insect swarm or its controller to gain passage through a dangerous area or to broker a peace between warring factions.
  • A massive insect swarm migration threatens to devastate the players’ home region. The party must find a way to divert the swarm or mitigate the damage it will cause.
  • A city or fortress is besieged by an overwhelming insect swarm, and the players must find a way to repel the attack and save the inhabitants.
  • The party encounters a druid grove inhabited by a circle of druids who revere insects and use insect swarms as guardians and allies. The players must either cooperate with the druids or face their insect defenders.
  • A legendary treasure is hidden deep within an insect-infested ruin. The players must brave the swarms and solve the mysteries of the ruin to claim their prize.

For added ambiance, why not try out this DND Insect Swarm background soundtrack (It’s creepy!):

YouTube Video by The Ambience Channel – Insect Swarm DND

Insect Swarm DND Traps and Hazards

Incorporating insect swarms as traps and hazards can lead to memorable and challenging encounters for your players. Some ideas include:

  • Hive Trap. Players accidentally disturb a hive containing an aggressive insect swarm. The swarm emerges and attacks the players, forcing them to deal with the threat while navigating the rest of the dungeon or environment.
  • Pit of Insects. Players encounter a pit filled with a crawling insect swarm, such as centipedes or venomous ants. Falling into the pit results in taking damage from the swarm, and players must find a way to traverse the area without falling in.
  • Swarm-Infested Room. A room or corridor is infested with a thick cloud of insects, obscuring vision and causing damage to any who enter. Players must find a way to disperse the swarm or navigate through it without taking too much damage.

Insect Swarm DND-Inspired Magic Items

Insect swarm-inspired magic items can add an interesting twist to your campaign. Some examples include:

  • Armor of the Swarm. This magical armor, adorned with insect motifs, can summon a protective insect swarm once per day. The swarm engulfs the wearer, granting them temporary hit points and causing damage to any enemy that comes into contact with the swarm.
  • Wand of Swarm Control. This wand allows the wielder to cast a spell that enables them to control an insect swarm within range. The swarm obeys the commands of the wand’s wielder, attacking enemies, creating distractions, or performing other tasks within the swarm’s capabilities.
  • Ring of Insect Repulsion. This magical ring creates an aura around the wearer, making them unnoticeable or unappealing to insects. While wearing the ring, the character is immune to damage and effects caused by insect swarms.
  • Insect Swarm Staff: This staff, carved with intricate insect patterns, allows the wielder to summon an insect swarm once per day. The swarm can be used to attack enemies, create a distraction, or perform other actions within the swarm’s capabilities.
  • Amulet of Insect Communication. This amulet grants the wearer the ability to communicate with and understand insects. This can be used to gather information, negotiate with insect swarms, or even gain the loyalty of a swarm if the wearer can provide something the swarm desires.

Insect Swarm Spell

An insect swarm spell is a magical effect that can be used by spellcasters like druids or clerics to summon a swarm of insects to aid them in combat or accomplish specific tasks.

The spell could create a swarm of locusts, wasps, or any other type of insect.

Of course, this depends on the caster’s preference and the spell’s power.

The summoned swarm typically obeys the caster’s commands and can be used to attack enemies, create a distraction, or perform other actions within the swarm’s capabilities.

Insect Swarm Character Token

An insect swarm character token is a small, two-dimensional representation of an insect swarm used in tabletop role-playing games like DND.

Character tokens are often used to track the position and movement of creatures during combat.

Or to generally visualize the game world.

Insect swarm tokens can be made from various materials, such as cardboard or acrylic, and can be designed with images or illustrations to represent the specific type of insect swarm being used in the game.

Insect Swarm Miniature

An insect swarm miniature is a three-dimensional representation of an insect swarm.

Miniatures are often used to enhance the immersion and visual appeal of the game, making it easier for players to envision their characters and the creatures they encounter.

Insect swarm DND miniatures can be crafted from various materials, such as plastic or metal.

They can be painted or designed to represent a specific type of insect swarm.

Insect Swarm FAQs

In this section, let’s go over frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Insect Swarms in DND.

How Do I Create an Interesting Encounter With Insect Swarms?

To create an engaging encounter with insect swarms, consider incorporating environmental factors, other creatures, or unique swarm abilities.

For example, you could use difficult terrain that limits the players’ mobility.

Essentially, forcing them to deal with the swarms more strategically. Alternatively, you could pair the swarms with other monsters, making them a secondary threat that complicates the battle.

You could also give the swarm a unique ability.

A cool ability might be the capacity to cause fear or deal additional poison damage.

How Can Players Effectively Deal With Insect Swarms?

Players can deal with insect swarms more effectively by using area-of-effect spells and abilities, which can damage multiple creatures at once.

Examples of effective spells against swarms include:

  • Burning Hands
  • Thunderwave
  • Ice Knife

Players can also consider using tactics that exploit the swarm’s weaknesses or control the battlefield to limit the swarm’s mobility.

What Weapon Is Best for Insect Swarm?

Conventional weapons like swords, bows, or hammers are typically less effective due to the swarm’s damage resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing attacks.

Instead, the best “weapons” against insect swarms are area-of-effect spells.

Or abilities that deal elemental damage, such as fire, cold, or lightning damage.

If a character does not have access to area-of-effect spells, a weapon with an elemental damage enchantment, like a Flaming Sword or Frost Brand, could be more effective against swarms than a standard weapon.

Alchemical items like Alchemist’s Fire or Acid can also be useful in damaging swarms.

It is important to note that different swarms may have specific resistances or vulnerabilities.

Always consider the specific characteristics of the swarm you are facing when choosing the best weapon or ability to use against it.

Are There Any Magical Items or Spells Specifically Designed to Counter Insect Swarms?

There are no specific magical items or spells designed solely for dealing with insect swarms.

However, many spells and abilities with an area-of-effect or environmental control can be particularly effective against swarms.

Examples include the “Gust of Wind” spell, which can push swarms away, and the “Evard’s Black Tentacles” spell, which can restrain swarms and deal damage to them.

Can Insect Swarms Be Controlled or Tamed?

Insect swarms can also be controlled or tamed through magic, such as the “Conjure Animals” spell.

Or, perhaps, by a character with the ability to communicate with and command insects, like a druid or a ranger with a specific archetype.

Such as the Swarmkeeper or Swarmmaster Ranger.

Some creatures or NPCs in the game world might have unique abilities that allow them to control insect swarms as well.

Final Thoughts: Insect Swarm DND

The most important thing to remember about any monster or creature in DND is to let your imagination run wild.

Thanks for reading!

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