DND Wolf Ultimate Guide: Stats, Description & Combat Tactics

Wolves are powerful, majestic creatures in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D).

In this article, we’ll cover DND Wolf stats, mechanics, descriptions, combat tactics, and everything else you need to know about this fearsome predator.

DND Wolf Stat Block

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DND Wolf Stat BlockDetails
Armor Class (AC)13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points (HP)11 (2d8 + 2)
Challenge Rating (CR)1/4 (XP 50)
Weight66-180 lbs
Speed49 feet
AttributesSTR 12 (+1), DEX, 15 (+2), CON 12 (+1), INT 3 (-4), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 6 (-2)
SkillsPerception +3, Stealth +4
SensesPassive Perception 13 feet
Keen Sense of Smell and HearingWisdom (Perception) roll advantage based on hearing or scent
Pack TacticsIf a wolf ally is within 5 feet and not incapacitated, the wolf gets an advantage on attack rolls.
Proficiency Bonus+2
AttacksBite Hit 7. (2d4 + 2) perforating damage
TerrainForest, hills, grasslands
Chart: DND Wolf Stats

DND Wolf Description

D&D Wolf
Image by the author via Canva—D&D Wolf

DND wolves are large, wild canines that are typically found in forests and tundras.

However, they can adapt to a wide range of climates and environments.

An adult wolf can weigh anywhere from 60 to 180 pounds, with males generally being larger than females.

Wolves have thick fur coats that help to keep them warm in cold climates.

The fur is usually gray, brown, or black, but it can also be white. Wolves have long bodies and relatively short legs.

They also have large, pointy ears and bushy tails.

Their jaws and teeth are designed to efficiently kill prey, so they can snack on anything from small rodents all the way up to larger animals like deer or cattle.

Their paws are large and webbed, which helps them to navigate through deep brush or snow.

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of wolves is their howl.

Howling helps wolves to communicate over long distances and can be used to warn other pack members of danger or announce their territorial boundaries.

For many people, hearing a wolf howl is an unforgettable experience.

Wolves live in packs of six to ten individuals, although some groups may include more than ten members. Each pack has its own ordered social structure, with the alpha pair at the top.

Here is a good video about DND wolves:

YouTube video by Chance’s D&D Spellbook – DND Wolf

D&D Wolf Types

There are a surprising number of different wolves in Dungeons and Dragons.

As a Dungeon Master, this gives you ultimate flexibility in what beasts to throw at your player group. As players, you never know what snarling creature is beyond the next shadowy grove.

The following are the types and descriptions of various types of D&D wolves.

DND Dire Wolf

A Dire wolf is a giant, ancient wolf that grows to almost 9 feet.

It’s a fierce creature that is heavily muscled and has large teeth. The pelt of a dire wolf is thick and shaggy, providing excellent insulation against the cold.

They are also very fast and agile, able to run down prey with ease.

Dire wolves are not afraid to take on larger prey, and will often hunt in packs to take down large animals such as elk or moose.

In combat, dire wolves will attack with their powerful jaws, trying to take down their opponents.

They are also intelligent creatures and have been known to use teamwork to take down much larger foes.

If you are unlucky enough to encounter a dire wolf in the wild, it is best to give it a wide berth. These creatures are not to be trifled with.

DND Winter Wolf

A winter wolf is a massive creature that reaches a size of 8 feet and an impressive 450 pounds.

These beasts are snow-white, with pale blue eyelids, and they are employed by Frost Giants to protect their territory and hunt.

They possess natural camouflage in snowy terrain.

Another ability that separates winter wolves is their cold breath attack. In this attack, the winter wolf spews a 15-foot cone of freezing wind.

The winter wolf communicates with its fellow pack members by barking and growling, but they also speak Common and Giant effectively enough to understand simple conversations.

These animals are truly feared by many, due to their size and strength.

However, they are also intelligent creatures that can be beneficial to have on your side.

DND Fire Wolf

DND fire wolves are fearsome creatures that stand as tall as a dire wolf, with the strength to match.

They are similar to winter wolves, but more… well, fiery.

They have jet-black fur and bright red eyes, a frightening appearance right out of your players’ nightmares.

Fire wolves are mostly found near forest fires and other burning sites.

Sometimes even at the base of volcanoes.

Fire giants and fire elementals love them as pets and guard dogs. In combat, fire wolves can breathe a cone of fire.

DND Ghoul Wolf

The ghoul wolf is a fearsome creature, closely related to the wolf.

It has dark fur which is often matted and ripped, exposing patches of sickly grey flesh. Its eyes are stark white, matching its teeth which are sharpened to razor points.

Ghoul wolves hunt in packs, stalking their prey across desolate moors and marshes.

When they have their prey cornered, they will circle it, moving in for the kill. Ghoul wolves are carnivorous creatures that enjoy nothing more than feast on living flesh.

These wolves will definitely leave your players freaked out.

DND Plague Wolf

Plague Wolves are a fearsome sight.

These powerful creatures are larger than typical wolves, and they carry the deadly Yellow Tick disease.

Luckily, they only have a fifty percent resistance to magic, so seasoned adventurers should be able to take them down.

They were first introduced in The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon, and they’ve been terrorizing players ever since. If you’re brave enough to take on a Plague Wolf, be sure to bring plenty of firepower.

D&D Giant Wolf

Giant wolves are the stuff of legends.

These massive animals are nearly 30 feet in length, making them the largest wolf species in the world. dire wolves, which are themselves larger than regular forest wolves, pale in comparison to giant wolves.

Giant wolf packs typically include dozens of smaller wolves, as well as dire wolves and wargs.

Some werewolf clans even form alliances with giant wolves.

Tribal humanoids often view giant wolves with reverence and respect. Lands protected by a giant wolf are usually seen as sacred and are off-limits to outsiders.

In many ways, giant wolves are the kings and queens of the forest, commanding both fear and respect from those who share their habitat.

DND Blight Wolf

Blight wolves are foul creatures that attack those of good alignment.

They’re about the size of horses, with dark-furred heads and fangs dripping venom. Their bodies, however, resemble great lizards with greenish-black scales.

The feet end in cruel talons and their long spiny tails lash behind as they chase after prey.

If bitten by a blight wolf, players must make saving throws or suffer poison damage.

DND Wolf Companion

In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, animal companions can help players in a variety of ways.

While all animals can provide some assistance, wolves are especially versatile and can make a great addition to any party.

Yes, you can have a pet wolf in DND.

Wolves are intelligent creatures that can understand complex commands, making them ideal for scouting ahead or tracking down enemies. They also have keen senses, which can help players avoid traps or ambush enemies.

In addition, wolves are vicious predators that can deal a significant amount of damage in combat.

As a result, they make excellent bodyguards and can help to protect weaker members of the party. Finally, wolves are social creatures that form close bonds with their owners.

This connection can provide players with much-needed emotional support, especially in moments of stress or danger.

DND Wolf God

Amarok, the Lord Alpha and Mighty Huntress, can add a touch of the wolf to your game.

Legends say that she once roamed the world in the form of a great white wolf and that her howls could be heard for miles.

Today, Amarok is mostly worshipped by hunters and those who live close to nature.

Her clerics typically wear white or grey robes, and they often have wolves or other wild animals as companion animals.

In combat, Amarok’s clerics are known for their ferocity and their ability to call upon the power of the wolf god to empower themselves and their allies.

D&D Wolf-Dragon

In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, wolf dragons are fearsome and noble homebrew creatures.

Descended from ancient dragons, wolf dragons resemble giant wolves with leathery wings and long tails.

They are intelligent beings, capable of speech and reason, and are known for their wisdom and strength. In combat, wolf dragons are a force to be reckoned with, using their powerful jaws and claws to rend foes asunder.

They are also proficient flyers and can use their wings to buffet enemies with gale-force winds.

Wolf dragons live in harsh environments, such as the frozen tundra or the deep desert. They typically make their homes in caves or underground tunnels, where they can hoard their treasure in safety.

Wolf dragons are solitary creatures, but they occasionally form packs for hunting or protection.

These packs typically consist of a mated pair and their offspring but can include up to a dozen individuals.

Wolf dragons mate for life, and bond closely with their mates and offspring.

While wolf dragons are not naturally aggressive beings, they will fiercely defend their territory from intruders.

They are also known to capture travelers who venture too close to their lair.

Once they capture a humanoid being, they either eat them or enslave them.

D&D Wolf Combat Tactics

When it comes to hunting, wolves are highly efficient predators.

In fact, their prey-killing success rate is one of the highest of any natural predator. When attacking prey, wolves will typically circle around their target until they have isolated a young, old, or injured individual.

Once they have singled out a vulnerable animal, they will begin to chase it.

During the chase, the pack will work together to run the prey animal until it tires. At this point, the wolves will line up behind the prey and take turns biting and jumping on its back.

This type of coordinated attack can quickly wear down even the strongest prey animal.

In addition, while chasing prey, wolves will often deliberately prevent stragglers from rejoining the main group.

By working together in this way, wolves are able to take down even the largest and most dangerous prey animals.

D&D Wolf Pack Mentality

A wolf pack is a deadly efficient social unit with distinct characteristics.

Wolves live and hunt in packs. The pack is a close-knit family unit, consisting of a breeding pair (the alpha male and female) and their offspring.

The pack also typically includes a few other non-breeding adults, known as beta wolves.

All members of the pack cooperate in raising the young, hunting for food, and defending their territory from other wolf packs.

The pack mentality is essential to the survival of the species; without it, wolves would not be able to compete against other predators such as bears and cougars.

The pack mentality also extends to the way that wolves communicate with one another.

Wolves howl to communicate with other members of their pack, as well as to warn off potential rivals. Howling is also used as a way to locate pack members who have become separated from the group.

In addition, wolves use body language and scent marking to communicate with one another.

For example, they may bow or crouch to show submission, or stand tall and stiff-legged to appear more threatening.

The pack mentality is an essential part of wolf life and plays a vital role in their survival in the wild.

How To Tame a D&D Wolf

If you’re looking to tame a wolf in Dungeons and Dragons, there are a few things you need to know.

You need to know:

  • What D&D class to choose
  • What level you can tame wolves
  • What feat you need to tame a DND Wolf
  • How taming works in D&D

First, chose the Ranger class. You can also multiclass as a Ranger.

Once you get to level three, make sure that you get the Beastmaster feat. This is because wolves can only be selected as animal partners by third-level rangers.

Finally, taming a wolf isn’t simply a matter of subduing the animal.

You’ll need to gain its trust and work with it over time to truly tame it. Your Dungeon Master can determine the length of training needed.

1-3 months of downtime is likely necessary.

With these things in mind, taming a wolf in Dungeons and Dragons can be a rewarding experience for both you and your new furry friend.

D&D Wolf Names

Here’s a list of DND wolf names inspired by nature:

  1. Alaska
  2. Platinum
  3. Griffin
  4. Skye
  5. Alpha
  6. River
  7. Predator
  8. Fern
  9. Roan
  10. Timber
  11. Raven
  12. Apache
  13. Star
  14. Hawk
  15. Stone
  16. Winter
  17. Aspen
  18. Scout
  19. Willow
  20. Silver

Can You Ride a Wolf in D&D?

In Dungeons and Dragons, there are all sorts of creatures that you can ride as mounts. Wolves are no exception.

You can ride a wolf in DND if you meet three simple requirements:

  • You must know how to ride mounts
  • You must tame the wolf
  • You must be the right size character

Mounted Combat Feat

In order to ride a mount, you need to have the Mounted Combat feat.

This feat allows you to fight while on a mount, and grants you a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls while mounted.

If you don’t have the Mounted Combat feat, you can still try to ride a mount, but you’ll be at a disadvantage.

We already talked about taming a wolf, so let’s move on to the size of your character.

Character Size

Your character must be the right size in order to ride a particular type of wolf.

A medium-sized humanoid can ride a Dire Wolf (good luck with that), but a small or tiny character would have to settle for a standard-sized wolf.

DND Wolf Encounters

Players always seem excited to encounter wolves during a D&D one-shot or full campaign.

Here is a list of possible D&D encounters:

  1. While traveling through the forest, the party stumbles upon a pack of wolves who are clearly hungry and looking for their next meal.
  2. One of the members of the party is attacked by a lone wolf who appears to be sick and desperate.
  3. The party comes across a group of hunters who have captured a wolf pup and are planning to sell it in the nearest town.
  4. While investigating some strange noises in the woods, the party comes face to face with a giant dire wolf who is ready to tear them apart.
  5. A member of the party is kidnapped by a group of bandits who plan to use him as bait to lure in a pack of wolves so that they can kill the creatures and sell their pelts.
  6. While traversing a mountain pass, the party is attacked by a group of wolves who have been driven mad by hunger due to an unusually harsh winter.
  7. The party stumbles upon a group of werewolves in their human form, who are in the process of hunting down a pack of regular wolves.
  8. The party treks through an area known to be inhabited by various kinds of magical creatures, and soon finds themselves being stalked by a ghoul wolf.
  9. The party comes across a lone wolf who seems to be lost or injured. Upon closer inspection, it becomes apparent that the wolf is under the effects of a curse or powerful magic.
  10. While camping for the night, the party is awoken by the sounds of a struggle outside their camp perimeter. Investigating, they find a lone wolf being attacked by a group of large, vicious looking rats.

DND Wolf Token

Wolf tokens have been used by Dungeon & Dragons players for years as a way to represent their characters in the game.

The tokens are inscribed with the image of a wolf, and they can be used to represent a player character, non-player character, or enemy wolf.

They are made of metal or plastic, and they come in a variety of colors and sizes.

Some players use them as physical representations of their characters, while others use them as markers to keep track of their characters’ progress in the game.

You can purchase DND wolf tokens from eBay, Etsy, and other online retailers.

DND Wolf Miniature

DND Wolf Miniatures are a type of miniature used by players in the game Dungeons and Dragons.

These miniatures are used to represent wolves in the game, and can be used for both combat and role-playing purposes.

Players can purchase these miniatures online or at local game stores.

When it comes to combat, DND Wolf Miniatures can be used to represent either friendly or enemy wolves.

For role-playing purposes, players can use them to create their own wolf characters.

Regardless of how they are used, DND Wolf Miniatures add an extra level of realism and immersion to the game.

What Is the Strongest Wolf in DND?

The strongest wolf in DND is the giant wolf, followed by dire wolves.

Giant wolves usually possess an average of 84 hit points. They have a strength of 22 and a challenge rating of 5.

In comparison, dire wolves usually have around 37 hit points and a strength of 17.

Therefore, a giant wolf is clearly the DND strongest wolf.

What Is a D&D Ripper Wolf?

Ripper is an infamous pet wolf of Klarg, a goblinoid king.

Klarg depended on Ripper for protection, and in turn, the large wolf stood ready to fight tooth and nail to defend his liege.

Klarg would retreat rather than fight without Ripper.

At nearly twice the size of a regular wolf, Ripper was a massive creature, comparable in size to a tiger.

His rust-red fur made him stand out amongst his black-furred peers, and his ferocious nature meant he was well-known (and feared) throughout the land.

Final Thoughts

Whether your adventuring party encounters one in the wild, summons one as a companion, or rides one into battle, a DND wolf is sure to make every campaign more memorable.

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