About Me

Image of author and short bio—About Me

About Me: Background

I’ve been playing roleplaying games, like D&D, since I was 10 years old. My friends and I would spend entire weekends, gobbling pizza, drinking soda, and playing Dungeons and Dragons.

I’ve also written a few popular articles about roleplaying online:

I created this website to help share my love of roleplaying games like D&D. I also want to answer questions most beginners ask about roleplaying games.

My daughter belongs to a roleplaying club at her school:

My daughter's D&D Dice Box
Image by author

If you love to play roleplaying games, too, then I hope you’ll browse my site, watch my YouTube videos, and stay in touch.

Happy roleplaying!

Stay In Touch

Let’s connect! Feel free to reach out by social media or email. I check my messages weekly.

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