Electrum DND: Conversions, Tips, and Ultimate Guide

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of Electrum DND, a peculiar and often misunderstood currency in the realm of Dungeons & Dragons.

Discover its uses, pros and cons, conversion rates, and how it can be incorporated into your campaigns.

What Is Electrum in DND?

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Cartoon bearded merchant holding gold - Electrum DND
I made this image – Electrum DND

Electrum is a form of currency used in Dungeons & Dragons (DND), alongside other standard currencies such as gold, silver, copper, and platinum. Electrum is a metal alloy, primarily composed of gold and silver, giving it a unique appearance and value.

In the game, Electrum pieces (EP) are worth half a Gold piece (GP), making them the middle ground between silver and gold.

What Is the Point of Electrum in DND?

Electrum serves primarily as a world-building tool.

The unique currency adds depth and flavor to in-game economies and cultures.

It also provides Dungeon Masters (DMs) with additional options when designing treasure hoards, item prices, and rewards.

Electrum can also be used as a storytelling element, with its unique properties and historical connotations creating intrigue and mystery.

How To Use Electrum in DND

To use DND Electrum effectively, consider the following:

  1. Introduce Electrum gradually, through treasure hoards or as a reward for quests.
  2. Use it as a plot device, perhaps by tying it to a specific region, culture, or historical event.
  3. Ensure players are aware of the currency’s value and conversion rates.

Speaking of conversion rates, let’s take a look at a simple table and examples.

Electrum DND Currency and Conversion Exchange Table

Copper1 CP
Silver10 CP or 1 SP
Electrum50 CP or 5 SP or 1/2 GP
Gold100 CP or 10 SP or 1 GP
Platinum1000 CP or 100 SP or 10 GP or 1 PP
Electrum DND Currency and Conversion Table

Electrum Conversion Examples

Here are several examples of Electrum conversions that might occur in a DND game:

  1. A player wants to convert 10 Electrum pieces (EP) into Gold pieces (GP). Since 1 EP is worth 1/2 GP, the player would receive 5 GP in exchange for their 10 EP.
  2. A player finds a treasure chest containing 20 Electrum pieces (EP) and wants to know its total value in Silver pieces (SP). Since 1 EP is worth 5 SP, the treasure would be equal to 100 SP (20 EP * 5 SP).
  3. A player wants to purchase an item worth 7 Gold pieces (GP) using Electrum pieces (EP). To calculate the number of EP needed, the player would multiply the item’s cost in GP (7 GP) by 2, since 1 EP is worth 1/2 GP. This would mean the player needs 14 EP to cover the item’s cost (7 GP * 2).
  4. A player wishes to convert their stash of 300 Copper pieces (CP) into Electrum pieces (EP). To do this, they would divide the total CP (300 CP) by the conversion rate of 50 CP (1 EP is worth 50 CP). The result would be 6 EP (300 CP / 50 CP).
  5. A player has a mix of 50 Silver pieces (SP) and 10 Electrum pieces (EP) and wants to know the total value in Platinum pieces (PP). First, they would convert the SP and EP into Gold pieces (GP): 50 SP is equal to 5 GP (50 SP / 10 SP), and 10 EP is equal to 5 GP (10 EP * 1/2 GP). This gives a total of 10 GP, which is equal to 1 PP (10 GP / 10 GP).

If all that math terrifies you (as it does me), know that you can plug these calculations into Google or a chatbot like ChatGPT to get automatic totals.

Electrum DND Pros and Cons

While Electrum DND is an interesting addition to the game world, it comes with both advantages and disadvantages.

In this section, we’ll explore the various pros and cons of including Electrum in your campaign.

The bulleted lists below provide a quick overview of the benefits and drawbacks of using Electrum as a currency and a storytelling element.

Pros of Electrum DND

  • Depth and variety to in-game currencies: Electrum introduces a unique currency that can enrich your campaign’s economy and create more diverse rewards and treasure hoards.
  • Unique storytelling opportunities: Electrum’s intriguing nature allows DMs to create engaging plotlines and quests centered around the metal or its origins.
  • Enhances the realism of the game world: The presence of Electrum in a campaign can lend a sense of authenticity to the game world, as multiple currencies are common in real-world economies.

Cons of Electrum DND

  • Complicates currency conversions: Electrum’s value, which falls between silver and gold, can make conversions between currencies more challenging for players and DMs alike.
  • Not universally recognized or accepted by players: Many players are unfamiliar with Electrum or may feel it’s unnecessary, making its inclusion in a campaign potentially divisive or confusing.

Why Everyone Hates Electrum in DND

Electrum DND is often criticized for complicating currency conversions and being less intuitive than other currencies.

As we mentioned in the pros and cons section, players might encounter difficulties in understanding the value of electrum or perceive it as an unwarranted extra element in the game.

DND already includes enough complex rules for magic and combat.

Why layer on mathematical currency exchange?

Despite these concerns, Electrum can be a useful tool for DMs and players willing to embrace its unique properties.

Here is a good YouTube video that talks about why everyone hates electrum in DND:

YouTube video by Master The Dungeon – Electrum DND

Electrum Items and Equipment

Electrum DND can be used to craft various items and equipment, each with its unique characteristics and potential uses in your campaign:

Jeweled Electrum Ring D&D

This ornate ring features Electrum as the primary material, adorned with precious gemstones.

It can serve as a decorative item, a signet ring for nobility, or even have magical properties assigned by the DM.

D&D Dwarven Mug of Hammered Electrum

A finely crafted mug made of hammered Electrum, often associated with Dwarven craftsmanship.

It can be a valuable item for collectors, a gift from a powerful NPC, or a unique piece of equipment for a character who appreciates fine craftsmanship.

Electrum Helmet Inlaid With Gold

This helmet is made of Electrum and inlaid with gold, making it a visually striking piece of armor.

It could be worn by a noble warrior or be part of a set of ceremonial armor. The DM may also assign additional properties or enchantments to this helmet.

Electrum mask D&D

An intricate mask made of Electrum, often used for disguise, ritualistic purposes, or as a symbol of status.

It can be a quest item, part of a character’s backstory, or a unique magical item with various effects.

Electrum Weapons and Armor D&D

Weapons and armor made of Electrum are often more decorative than practical, but they can still be used in combat.

These items may have enchantments or unique properties that make them valuable to adventurers.

Electrum Ingots D&D

Electrum ingots are bars of raw Electrum, often used as a trade good or crafting material.

They can be found in treasure hoards, acquired through trade, or used as a bargaining chip in negotiations.

Electrum Dagger D&D

A dagger crafted from Electrum, typically more ornamental than functional due to the softness of the metal.

It could be a ceremonial weapon, a gift from a noble, or a unique magical item with special abilities.

Electrum Equipment D&D

You can craft various other pieces of equipment made of Electrum:

  • Shields
  • Buckles
  • Bowls
  • Tools
  • Musical instruments

These items can be used to add flavor and depth to your campaign world, serve as quest items, or have magical properties bestowed by the DM.

Other Uses for Electrum in DND

Electrum has a variety of applications in Dungeons & Dragons beyond currency and equipment, playing a unique role in various aspects of the game.

For instance, electrum is used in magical items such as shoonrings.

Shoonrings possess multiple powers and amplified effects when one of the twisted bands is made of electrum.

Storm Stars, magical morning stars crafted from electrum-plated steel, can unleash chain lightning.

Additionally, electrum is employed in spells like Leomund’s Secret Chest and Khelben’s Warding Whip as chest fittings or material components.

Electrum also features in notable volumes like The Chambeeleon and The Tome of the Unicorn.

The latter of which has both electrum pages and covers.

Lastly, electrum settings enable witherite to be worn as a protective charm against necromantic attacks.

20 Electrum Ideas for DND Campaigns

Sometimes you just want some creative ideas for using an element of DND in your adventures, one-shots, and full campaigns.

I’ve got you covered with 20 ideas for using electrum:

  1. A mysterious Electrum amulet with unknown magical properties.
  2. An ancient Electrum coin, the last remnant of a lost civilization.
  3. A cursed Electrum necklace that brings misfortune
  4. to its wearer. 4. A hidden Electrum mine, fiercely guarded by a powerful creature.
  5. A map leading to a forgotten Electrum treasury.
  6. A powerful Electrum artifact that can control the elements.
  7. A faction or guild that exclusively deals in Electrum, adding intrigue to the game’s economy.
  8. A religious order that views Electrum as a sacred metal, tying it to their rituals and ceremonies.
  9. A city or kingdom that uses Electrum as their primary currency.
  10. An Electrum golem, created as a guardian of an ancient treasure hoard.
  11. A series of Electrum keys are needed to unlock a secret chamber.
  12. A magical Electrum compass that guides the user towards hidden riches.
  13. A legendary Electrum weapon with a unique enchantment.
  14. A mysterious Electrum puzzle box that holds a powerful secret.
  15. An Electrum chalice grants the drinker temporary powers.
  16. A wizard’s Electrum staff, imbued with potent magic.
  17. An Electrum crown is said to bestow the wearer with the ability to command loyalty.
  18. A magical Electrum mirror that can reveal hidden truths.
  19. A set of Electrum rings that enable telepathic communication between wearers.
  20. An Electrum flute that can charm and control creatures when played.

Electrum DND FAQs

I couldn’t leave you without a few answers to frequently asked questions about Electrum.

Get your FAQ fix below.

What Color Is Electrum in DND?

Electrum is a pale yellow metal with a slight greenish tint, thanks to its gold and silver components.

Electrum Hardness

Electrum’s hardness varies depending on its gold and silver content.

Generally, it is harder than gold but softer than silver, making it suitable for crafting jewelry and decorative items but less ideal for weaponry and armor.

What Is an Electrum Dragon?

An Electrum Dragon is a homebrew dragon type not found in official DND materials.

It could be a unique dragon whose scales are made of Electrum, granting it specific abilities or properties tied to the metal.

Where Do You Find Electrum in DND?

Electrum can be found in various locations throughout a DND campaign world.

It may be discovered in treasure hoards, ancient ruins, or mines, or even as a reward from powerful NPCs. Its rarity and value depend on the world’s economy and the DM’s discretion.

Final Thoughts: Electrum DND

You absolutely don’t need to use Electrum in DND.

If you enjoy the addition of the unique currency, let it fly. If not, pass it by. The main thing is to have fun with your friends.

We have a ton of other great ideas on this site about DND items, monsters, and more.

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