How to Become a Werewolf in DND (Ultimate Player’s Guide)

Ever fantasized about howling at the moon mid-campaign?

Let’s explore the wild side of D&D and dive into the fur-raising journey of becoming a werewolf.

Here is how to become a werewolf in DND:

Become a werewolf in DND by surviving an attack from an existing werewolf, undergoing a cursed transformation, and managing the new lycanthropic abilities and challenges. Transformations often occur during full moons and can be controlled over time.

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to become a werewolf in DND.

Can Players Become or Play as a Werewolf in D&D?

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Werewolf in D&D setting with full moon, forest, and castle. - How to Become a Werewolf in DND
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Yes, players can become or play as werewolves, though it’s a journey fraught with danger and intrigue.

According to the official D&D Player’s Handbook, werewolves are typically considered non-player characters (NPCs). However, under certain circumstances and with the Dungeon Master’s (DM’s) discretion, players can transform into werewolves or even start as one.

This transformation significantly alters the character’s abilities and role-playing dynamics.

It offers a unique blend of challenges and opportunities.

Players must navigate the duality of human and beast, balancing their newfound powers with the risks of losing control.

How to Become a Werewolf in D&D: Step by Step

Becoming a werewolf in D&D is a transformative journey, often rooted in the game’s rich lore and mechanics.

Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Encounter with a Werewolf: The most common way to become a werewolf in D&D is through a bite or scratch from an existing werewolf. This encounter can be planned by the DM as part of the campaign’s storyline.
  2. Surviving the Attack: The character must survive the werewolf’s attack to initiate the transformation process. This survival often involves combat and resilience checks.
  3. Cursed Transformation: After the attack, the character undergoes a cursed transformation. According to D&D rules, the DM might require the player to make a Constitution saving throw to resist the curse.
  4. First Transformation: The first transformation typically occurs during the next full moon. The player character (PC) experiences physical changes and might lose control, depending on the DM’s narrative.
  5. Learning Control: Over time, the PC can learn to control their transformations and abilities. This often involves role-playing, skill checks, and possibly quests to understand the curse.
  6. Embracing the Beast: As the PC embraces their werewolf identity, they gain new abilities like enhanced strength, speed, and senses. However, they also face challenges like vulnerability to silver and the risk of harming others.
  7. Seeking a Cure: If desired, the PC can seek a cure for their lycanthropy. This typically involves a quest for rare ingredients or a powerful spellcaster’s help.

Alternate Ways to Play a Werewolf in D&D

Besides the traditional transformation route, there are several alternate ways to play a werewolf in D&D:

  1. Starting as a Werewolf: With the DM’s permission, a player might start the campaign as a werewolf. This backstory involves unique challenges and role-playing opportunities from the beginning.
  2. Custom Class or Race Options: Some DMs create custom classes or race options to accommodate werewolf characters, offering tailored abilities and lore.
  3. Temporary Transformation: In some campaigns, players can temporarily transform into werewolves, perhaps through a magical item or a specific event. This allows players to experience lycanthropy without a permanent commitment.
  4. Balancing the Beast: Playing a werewolf in D&D is not just about gaining powers; it’s also about balancing the human and beast aspects. This duality adds depth to the character and the overall storyline.

Roleplaying Tips for Playing a Werewolf Character

Playing a werewolf character in D&D requires a balance of raw power and nuanced role-playing.

Here are some tips:

  • Embrace the Dual Nature: Highlight the struggle between the human and beast sides. Show internal conflicts and moments of self-reflection.
  • Utilize the Senses: Werewolves have heightened senses. Use this in gameplay to detect hidden enemies, track scents, or hear distant conversations.
  • Manage the Beast: Role-play the challenges of controlling the werewolf’s instincts, especially during tense or emotional moments.
  • Interact with the World: Explore how the character’s transformation affects their relationships with other party members and NPCs.
  • Consider the Consequences: Think about the repercussions of the werewolf’s actions, both for the character and the wider campaign world.

Best DND Werewolf Builds

Here are some of the best D&D werewolf builds to enhance your gameplay experience:

The Stealthy Predator

This build focuses on stealth and agility. Ideal for rogue or ranger classes, the stealthy predator excels in tracking and ambushing enemies.

Use the werewolf’s enhanced senses for tracking and the rogue’s sneak attack for devastating strikes.

This build is perfect for players who enjoy a hit-and-run playstyle.

The Feral Tank

This build is designed for those who want to be at the frontline.

The feral tank combines the natural toughness of the werewolf with the defensive capabilities of a fighter or barbarian.

Focus on increasing hit points and resistances to withstand the brunt of enemy attacks while unleashing powerful melee attacks.

The Arcane Beast

For a more mystical approach, the arcane beast combines the werewolf’s physical prowess with the magical abilities of a sorcerer or warlock.

This build allows for a versatile playstyle.

You can use spells at a distance and shifting to physical attacks when enemies close in. It’s perfect for players who want a balance of magic and melee combat.

The Primal Leader

Centered around charisma and leadership, this build is great for a bard or paladin who leads from the front.

Use the werewolf’s intimidating presence to bolster allies and demoralize foes.

This build is all about controlling the battlefield, providing buffs to allies while holding your own in combat.

The Cunning Hunter

Combining the werewolf’s tracking abilities with a ranger’s or druid’s nature skills, the cunning hunter is all about outsmarting the enemy.

This build is excellent for setting traps, gathering information, and using the terrain to your advantage.

It’s perfect for players who enjoy a tactical approach to combat.

The Shadow Striker

This build, ideal for monk or rogue classes, focuses on speed and precision.

Use the werewolf’s agility and the monk’s or rogue’s quick strikes for a flurry of attacks.

The shadow striker is about overwhelming the enemy with speed, making it hard for them to retaliate.

Ideas for DMs: Werewolf Campaigns

For DMs looking to craft campaigns around werewolf characters, here are 30 ideas:

  1. Moonlit Mystery: A series of mysterious attacks in a village coincide with the full moon.
  2. The Silvered Curse: The party must find a cure for a spreading werewolf curse in a remote forest.
  3. Lunar Ritual: The players must stop a cult from using a lunar ritual to transform an entire town into werewolves.
  4. Beast Within: The players are part of a werewolf pack, navigating pack dynamics and territory wars.
  5. Hunt or Be Hunted: The party is hunted by a legendary werewolf hunter after one of them turns.
  6. Moonstone Quest: A quest to find a magical moonstone that can control lycanthropy.
  7. Shadow of the Wolf: The players uncover a conspiracy involving werewolves in high society.
  8. Blood Moon Rising: A blood moon enhances the party’s werewolf abilities but also their bloodlust.
  9. The Wolf’s Den: The players must infiltrate a werewolf den for vital information.
  10. Silvered Bonds: The group must forge alliances with other creatures to face a common threat.
  11. Cursed Legacy: The party discovers an ancestral curse turning them into werewolves.
  12. Moonlit Rebellion: Werewolves and humans are in conflict, and the players must choose a side.
  13. Wild Hunt: A grand hunt where the players are both the hunters and the hunted.
  14. Lunar Eclipse: A rare lunar eclipse brings unforeseen changes to the party’s werewolves.
  15. Guardians of the Night: The party becomes protectors of a town, using their werewolf abilities.
  16. Ancient Pact: Uncover an ancient pact between werewolves and other mystical creatures.
  17. The Wolf’s Bane: A new herb promises a cure but requires a dangerous quest to acquire.
  18. Moonlit Masquerade: A high-society ball hides a secret gathering of werewolves.
  19. The Alpha’s Challenge: A challenge to become the alpha of a powerful werewolf pack.
  20. Silvered Shadows: The party investigates a series of crimes committed by a rogue werewolf.
  21. Lunar Legacy: The players are the last of a werewolf lineage, sought for their unique powers.
  22. Beastly Burden: The party must safely escort a cursed individual to a sanctuary.
  23. Moon’s Reflection: A mirror that shows one’s inner beast reveals surprising truths.
  24. The Howling Storm: A supernatural storm enhances werewolf powers but at a great cost.
  25. Path of the Lone Wolf: A solitary werewolf needs the party’s help to face an old enemy.
  26. Silvered Fate: The players must decide the fate of a captured werewolf leader.
  27. Night of the Wolf: A night where all the party’s decisions as werewolves come to a climax.
  28. The Wolf’s Heart: A tale of love and sacrifice, where a werewolf must choose between their nature and their beloved.
  29. Crescent Moon Covenant: The party uncovers an ancient werewolf pact that could change their fate.
  30. The Lycan’s Labyrinth: A maze filled with challenges that test the party’s werewolf abilities and humanity.

Here is a good video with more ideas for how to use and improve werewolves in DND:

YouTube Video in The Pointy Hat – How to Become a Werewolf in DND

Become a Werewolf in DND: FAQs

Here’s a comprehensive guide to some of the most common inquiries about becoming a werewolf in DND:

How does lycanthropy affect a character’s alignment in D&D?

In D&D, lycanthropy can influence a character’s alignment, especially if they struggle to control their werewolf form.

Typically, a character might lean towards a more chaotic alignment due to the beast’s nature.

However, with effort and role-playing, a character can maintain their original alignment, reflecting their inner struggle and control over the curse.

Can a werewolf character use weapons and armor in their beast form?

According to official D&D rules, a werewolf in beast form cannot use weapons and armor designed for their human form.

However, they gain natural weapons like claws and teeth.

DMs might allow specially crafted armor or weapons for werewolf characters, adding an interesting element to the gameplay.

Are there any races in D&D that cannot become werewolves?

While most races in D&D can become werewolves, the DM might rule that certain races, due to their unique nature, are immune or resistant to lycanthropy.

This decision often depends on the campaign’s lore and the DM’s discretion.

How does being a werewolf affect a character’s interactions with NPCs and other players?

Being a werewolf can significantly affect a character’s interactions.

NPCs might fear or distrust the character, while other players might view them as a potential threat or ally.

This adds a rich layer of role-playing opportunities.

The character navigates their changed identity within the party and the world.

Can you become a werewolf and a vampire in DND?

It’s theoretically possible for a character to be both a werewolf and a vampire.

However, such a combination would be highly unusual and complex.

This crossover of two powerful curses would require careful consideration by the Dungeon Master, as it could significantly impact game balance.

The DM might allow it in a highly customized or homebrew campaign setting.

In standard gameplay, becoming both a werewolf and a vampire is typically not feasible due to the conflicting nature of these curses and the lore surrounding them.

Can a werewolf character be cured of their lycanthropy?

Yes, a werewolf character can be cured of their lycanthropy in D&D.

This usually involves a quest for a cure, such as a powerful spell, a rare artifact, or a ritual.

The process of seeking and undergoing the cure can be a significant part of the character’s story arc.

Final Thoughts: How to Become a Werewolf in DND

In the moonlit realms of D&D, embracing the howl of the werewolf can lead to epic adventures – for more thrilling tales, explore our other articles.

Start with the ones listed below.

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