Is Jumping an Action in DND? (Explained for Beginners)

If you’re confused about jumping and actions in DND, you’re not alone. After struggling with this simple concept in my own games, I decided to research the answer.

Is jumping an action in DND?

Jumping is not an action in DND. Instead, jumping is considered a movement. A character can choose to jump before, during, or after an action in a Dungeons and Dragons game. Characters can high jump or long jump on their turn. They can also make a running or standing jump.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about jumping and actions in DND.

Is Jumping an Action in DND? (Official Answer)

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Warrior Jumping in Combat - Is Jumping an Action in DND
Image by the author via Canva – Is Jumping an Action in DND?

When it’s your turn in DND, you have lots of choices: actions, reactions, movements, and interactions with objects.

According to the official DND rulebooks, jumping is considered a movement and not an action.

The Player’s Handbook says:

Movement through dangerous dungeons or wilderness areas often involves more than simply walking. Adventurers might have to climb, crawl, swim, or jump to get to where they need to go.

As you can see, the “rules as written” clearly call jumping a movement, not an action.

Is a High Jump an Action in DND?

From scaling walls to leaping chasms, there are many obstacles that can stand in the way of an adventurer’s progress.

Many players believe that a high jump is an action, such as wielding a weapon or casting a spell.

However, this is not the case.

A high jump is simply a movement, like walking or running. This means that it does not require an action on your turn.

Is a Long Jump an Action in DND?

A long jump allows a character to cover a great distance in a single bound.

Like a high jump, the long jump is classified as a movement, and it does not prevent a character from taking an action during their turn.

This means that a character could conceivably use the long jump to cover a large area of ground and then take another action, such as attacking an enemy or casting a spell.

As such, the long jump can be a very powerful ability.

One that can be used to great effect in both combat and exploration.

Is Jumping a Movement in DND?

In Dungeons and Dragons, jumping is a movement action that allows a character to cover a vertical or horizontal distance.

The amount of distance that can be covered depends on the character’s strength (and sometimes dexterity), as well as the weight of their equipment. There are also various feat and spell options that can increase the jump.

Jumping can be useful for getting out of danger, reaching higher ground, or avoiding traps.

It can also be used as an attack action, allowing a character to cover a large distance and hit an enemy with surprise.

When used in this way, jumping typically takes the form of a “charge” or “ running leap”.

Whether you’re using it to get out of harm’s way or to take down an opponent, jumping is a great option to have in your arsenal in Dungeons and Dragons. So don’t be afraid to give it a try next time your character is in need of some extra mobility.

Can You Jump in Combat?

Yes, you can jump before, during, and after a combat action.

Jumping in combat can give you an edge over your opponents. However, there are also some risks associated with jumping in combat.

If you misjudge the distance, you could end up right in the middle of your enemies. Additionally, if you jump too high, you could be momentarily vulnerable while you descend.

Here are some examples of when jumping could be beneficial:

  • If you’re fighting against an opponent who is taller than you, jumping can help you deliver a more precise or powerful blow.
  • If you’re trying to escape from pursuing enemies, jumping can help you clear obstacles.
  • If you’re trying to reach a higher platform, jumping can help get you there more quickly than climbing would.

Can You Attack While Jumping in DND?

There is nothing in the official rules of Dungeons and Dragons that prevent you from attacking and jumping at the same time.

The same general attack rules apply when jumping as when standing on the ground.

This means that you still need to make successful attack roles and be within melee or ranged weapon reach in order to hit your target.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when making jump attacks.

First, you may suffer a disadvantage on your attack roll. Second, you will need to be cautious of your own momentum; if you miss your target, you may find yourself staggering or even falling off of a ledge.

But with a little planning and forethought, jump attacks can be a powerful addition to any adventurer’s repertoire.

Does Jumping Provoke an Attack of Opportunity?

Yes, anytime you voluntarily move out of an opponent’s reach, your opponent gets an attack of opportunity.

Basically, they get an extra attack against you at an advantage.

When jumping, it’s helpful to view your movement through three-dimensional space. This means considering the entire 5X5 cube of space that your character takes up in DND combat.

The last thing you want to do is accidentally suffer critical damage.

It would be a worst-case scenario situation if you unluckily took fatal damage that left you wondering what happens if you die in DND.

How Do You Calculate Jumping in DND?

You calculate how high or far you jump by using your Strength score.

The distance and height of your jump depend on whether or not you take a 10-foot running start.

Running Start

In a running long jump, you’re able to jump up to your Strength score in feet. So, if your Strength score is 13, you can jump up to a distance of 13 feet.

There are some caveats:

  • If you need to hurdle a low object, like a fence or bush, you must make a DC Strength (Athletics) check.
  • If you land on difficult terrain, such as rocky ground, you’ll need to roll a DC Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.

In a running high jump, you can jump as high as your Strength modifier +3 more feet.

Therefore, if your character possesses a Strength modifier of +3, he or she can jump up to 6 feet.

Standing Jump

Explain what a standing jump is in DND and how it’s calculated. In a standing long jump, you can jump up to half your Strength score in distance.

If your Strength score is 13, then you can jump up to 6 1/2 feet in distance.

In a standing high jump, you can jump up to half your Strength modifier +3. If your rogue has a +2 Strength modifier, he can jump up to 2 1/2 feet high.

Here is a good video about jumping in DND:

YouTube Video by Nerd Immersion – Is Jumping an Action in DND?

Final Thoughts: Is Jumping an Action in DND?

Jumping is a simple but important movement in Dungeons and Dragons.

Hopefully, this article helps you manage jumping in your adventures and campaigns.

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Wizards of the Coast – Player’s Handbook