How Many Rings Can You Wear in DND? (Solved for Beginners)

When I play Dungeons and Dragons, I love to accessorize my characters with trinkets and jewelry.

How many rings can you wear in DND?

In DND, you can wear an unlimited number of rings, but you can only benefit from seven magical rings at a time. You can wear three rings that require attunement. You can also wear four rings that do not need attunement. At higher levels, an Artificer can attune to six rings, for a total of 10.

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how many rings you can wear in D&D.

Is There a Limit to the Number of Rings a Character Can Wear in D&D?

No. There is no official limit to how many rings a character can put on and wear in D&D.

While most rings require attunement, there are some that don’t, and you can wear them, too. However, they often have weaker effects and provide little to no help in combat.

A character may also have rings associated with class features or racial traits.

For example, an Artificer can attune to up to six magical rings once they reach the 18th level.

Dungeon Masters (DMs) can homebrew a feat to give characters the ability to attune to more rings. The Critical Roll campaign, for example, includes an extra attunement feat.

Basically, if you want your character to wear several rings, go for it. There are no restrictions on how many they can wear.

However, most characters can only benefit from the effects of three attuned ones at a time.

Keep in mind some decisions are up to your DM.

If they want to limit the number of rings or magic items a character can have, they are free to do so.

How Many Types of Rings Can You Wear in D&D?

There are five main types of rings in DND:

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Very rare
  • Legendary

Characters can wear several different types of rings.

According to the Attunement rules in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, most characters can attune to three magic items at a time, maximum.

Also, you can’t activate more than one of the same kind of ring at the same time.

That means you will only benefit from the one you attune to. So, mechanically speaking, if a character has several magic items, he or she must choose which one to attune.

However, a character can possess multiple magic rings that they swap attunement to, as needed.

The same goes for magical weapons and armor, assuming the character can attune to more than one magic item.

Here is a description of the different types of rings available in D&D:

Common Rings

These are nonmagical rings.

They are mundane rings that you can find in any treasure hoard or purchase from a local merchant.

The value of Common items is a little vague.

What I usually do is charge around 5 gold pieces but the price can vary depending on the type of metal and gemstones.

DND characters can wear as many common rings as they can fit on their fingers.

They do not require attunement.

Uncommon Rings

These are the first type of magical rings.

Uncommon rings grant characters a slight magical advantage or sometimes strength against their enemies. They are the least powerful magical rings in D&D.

Examples include:

  • The Ring of Jumping
  • The Ring of Warmth
  • The Ring of Swiming

However, most do require attunement.

According to the Dungeon Masters Guide, these rings might cost you between 100 and 500 gold pieces.

There are many ways to obtain magical rings in DND.

The most common method is to find them as treasure, either in chests or on the bodies of fallen enemies.

However, rings can also be purchased from certain vendors, such as magic shops or Wizard guilds.

In some cases, rings can be earned as rewards for completing quests or defeating powerful foes. And finally, it is also possible to create magical rings through the use of spells or rituals.

Rare Rings

These are more powerful rings that need attunement.

They offer greater protection and offensive capabilities to their wearer. Examples include the Arcane Ring, Ring of Evasion, and the Ring of Spell Storing.

Characters probably won’t be able to buy them, but they are worth approximately 500 to 5,000 gold pieces.

Rare magical rings are often hard to find and usually require adventuring into dangerous territory to obtain. Rings with powerful magical properties are often guarded by powerful creatures like Orc kings or giants.

Very Rare Rings

These are some of the most powerful rings in D&D.

Very rare rings include:

  • Ring of Telekinesis
  • Ring of Shooting Starts
  • Ring of Regeneration

The value of these rings is between 5,000 and 50,000 gold pieces.

Your best shot at finding them is by taking them off the fingers of your foes or by dungeon-delving.

Don’t expect to find them very often and do expect a tough (and risky) battle with an extremely dangerous creature or two.


In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, there are few things more coveted than a legendary magical ring.

These rings are the most powerful, valuable, and hard-to-obtain items in the entire game.

Examples of these rings include:

  • Ring of Djinni Summoning
  • Ring of Invisibility
  • Ring of Three Wishes

Each of these rings confers different benefits to its wearer, but all offer an incredible boost to power and status.

For example, the Ring of Djinni Summoning allows its wearer to summon and command a djinni from the air elemental plane, while the Ring of Invisibility makes its wearer completely invisible.

The Ring of Three Wishes grants its owner three wishes, which can be used to achieve nearly anything.

Acquiring one of these rings is no easy feat, but for those who succeed, the rewards are truly legendary.

How Many Magic Rings Can You Attune to in D&D?

Unless you play an Artificer, you can attune to a maximum of three magic rings in D&D.

An Artificer class can attune to four magic rings at level 10, five magic rings at level 14, and six magic rings at level 18.

Attuning to a magic ring takes a short rest, during which time the character cannot do anything else. After that, they can benefit from the ring’s effects for as long as it remains attuned.

You lose attunement when:

  • Your ring is farther than 100 feet from your character
  • Your ring remains away from your character for more than 24 hours of in-game time

To restore attunement, you simply use another short rest.

Why Can You Only Benefit from Three Rings?

The reason you can only benefit from three attuned rings is because of game balance.

If characters could benefit from the effects of all their magic items, the game would be just ridiculous.

For example, if a character had five attuned protection rings, they might have an AC of 25. That’s too high for most combat encounters, which would suck the fun out of D&D for everyone.

Or, imagine if every character possessed a Ring of Invisibility, Flying, Protection, Regeneration, X-Ray Vision, Shooting Stars, Evasion, Telekinesis, Feather Fall, and Jumping.

Talk about overpowered.

With that said, there are four rings that don’t require attunement:

  • Ring of Animal Influence
  • Ring of Swimming
  • Ring of Water Walking
  • Ring of Three Wishes

Therefore, any character can effectively use up to 7 magic rings. If you play an Artificer, you can gain up to 10 rings.

How Many Rings of Protection Can You Wear?

You can wear as many Rings of Protection as you want.

However, you can only attune and activate one Ring of Protection at a time. Therefore, it doesn’t make much sense to wear more than one.

The same goes for other types of rings that offer bonuses:

  • Ring of Three Wishes
  • Ring of Shooting Stars
  • Ring of Regeneration

The bottom line is that you can’t stack magical rings.

How Many Magic Rings Are There in D&D?  

The answer to this question depends on how you define a “magic ring.”

If we’re talking about rings explicitly defined as magic items in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, along with a few found in other DND books, there are 65.

DND Magic RingsRarity
Apprentice Ring of DistanceUncommon
Apprentice Ring of BlastingUncommon
Dusty RingUncommon
Covetous Gold Serpent RingUncommon
Lesser Ring of Crystal GrowthUncommon
Mind ShieldingUncommon
Mood RingUncommon
Poisonoak RingUncommon
Paired Twisted RingsUncommon
Re-Equip RingUncommon, Rare, and Legendary
Water WalkingUncommon
Animal InfluenceRare
Arcane RingRare
Elemental Control RingRare
Free Action (Movement)Rare
Feather FallingRare
Minor Ring of Dexterous StrengthRare
Moon RingRare
Lesser Ring of the LycanthropeRare
Potent Novice’s Ring of SpellcastingRare
Ray Gun RingRare
Raven RingRare
Reckless Ring of MagicRare
Ring of the RamRare
Spell StoringRare
X-Ray VisionRare
Adamantine RingVery rare
Arsenal RingVery rare
Arcane Blood RingVery rare
BoomerangVery rare
Covetous Silver Serpent RingVery rare
Curse of AkatoshVery rare
Efreeti Soul RingVery rare
Fire RingVery rare
Moon Lord’s RingVery rare
Night’s WhispersVery rare
Pure Elementium BandVery rare
Quickstrike RingVery rare
RegenerationVery rare
Shooting StarsVery rare
TelekinesisVery rare
Abacus Ring of StorageLegendary
Action SavingLegendary
Beauty RingLegendary
Blessed Ring of PowerLegendary
Craag’s 5 Sided CircleLegendary
Cursed Ring of PowerLegendary
Djinni SummoningLegendary
Energy Conduit RingsLegendary
Greater Ring of Crystal GrowthLegendary
Lucii Ring of OldLegendary
No EvilLegendary
Obsidian Ring of PowerLegendary
Ol FortunaLegendary
Spell TurningLegendary
Spell TurningLegendary
Three WishesLegendary
DND Ring Chart—How many rings can you wear in DND?

Here is a good video about the top 10 magic rings to use in DND:

YouTube video by The DNDLogs—How Many Rings Can You Wear in DND?

Final Thoughts: How Many Rings Can You Wear in DND?

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