D&D Dire Weasel (Ultimate Beginner’s Guide)

A D&D Dire Weasel is a medium to large-sized, black weasel with large fangs and claws. They make fun and balanced combat encounters for any D&D game.

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about D&D Dire Weasels.

D&D Dire Weasel Stats

In this section, you’ll find the general info, special abilities, and combat action stats for a DND Dire Weasel.

D&D Dire Weasel Stats (Overview)

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D&D Dire Weasel StatsDetails
Armor Class12
Hit Points39 (6d10 + 6)
Speed40 feet
Strength16 (+3)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution13 (+1)
Intelligence4 (-3)
Wisdom12 (+1)
Charisma5 (-3)
Saving ThrowsConstitution +2
SkillsPerception +3, Stealth +6, Climb +4
SensesDarkvision 60 feet range, Passive Perception 13
Combat actionsBiting, clawing, attach, blood drain
Height4 feet tall
Length7-12 feet long
D&D Dire Weasel—Monster Manual

D&D Dire Weasel Special Traits (Stats)

Dire Weasel Special TraitsDetails
Keen Smell & HearingThey get an advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
Low light visionDire Weasel can see twice as far even in dim lighting
D&D Dire Weasel special straits and combat actionsMonster Manual

D&D Dire Weasel Combat Actions (Stats)

Dire Weasel AttacksDetails
Bite (Melee Weapon Attack)+5 to hit one target within a 5-foot range. Hit: 2d4 +3
Claw (Melee Weapon Attack)+5 to hit one target within a 5-foot range. Hit: 1d4 +3
MultiattackOne claw and one bite attack on the same turn
AttachA Dire Weasel bites and attaches to a target until removed
Blood DrainAn attached Dire Weasel drains 1d4 points of Constitution damage
Dire Weasel Combat AttacksMonster Manual

As an optional ability, you could give a Dire Weasel the “musk” attack.

Any creature that enters the dire weasel’s space (within 5 feet) for the first time on its turn must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. If they fail the saving throw, they will be poisoned until the next turn.

Certain creatures are immune to “Weasel Musk”—Mongoose, ferrets, other weasels, and similar beasts.

D&D Dire Weasel Description

D&D Dire Weasel
Image by author via Canva

The Dire Weasel in D&D is a lean and long predator with a frenzied attack and tenacious attitude.

They are comparable to common weasels but much longer and may have horns, bone ridges, scales, or other dire-tainted physical features.

The “dire” in Dire Weasel means that the weasel is a bigger, stronger, meaner version of a regular weasel. They resemble their natural counterparts, however, they are somewhat larger and more powerful, with a wild, prehistoric, and sometimes even demonic appearance.

Although the stats are slightly different, here is a good video about D&D Dire Weasels:

YouTube video by Chance’s D&D Spellbook

D&D Dire Weasel Combat (Description & Strategies)

D&D Dire Weasels stalk their prey from the shadows, move silently, then pounce on their enemies with a biting and clawing attack.

Dire Weasels in Dungeons and Dragons usually fight solo, in pairs, or in packs of 3-6.

Two common Dire Weasel attacks are “attach” and “blood drain.”

Dire Weasel Attach Action

A Dire Weasel often springs from the shadows, biting at a target (i.e, your player characters).

If a Dire Weasel lands a bite, it automatically attaches to the target.

The weasel latches on like a bulldog and doesn’t let go.

An attached Dire Weasel has an AC of 12 (it loses its dexterity advantage when attached).

A target can remove an attached Dire Weasel by attacking it, grappling it (with a pin), casting a spell on it, or killing it.

Dire Weasel Blood Drain

The Dire Weasel blood drain is a special and vicious attack.

When a Dire Weasel attaches to an enemy, they sink their teeth into them and automatically drain blood from their victim.

This is a classic Dire Weasel move.

The enemy target takes 1D4 damage every round that the Dire Weasel remains attached.

As you can imagine, this blood drain ability can quickly incapacitate the target.

The damage only stops when the player character manages to detach the Dire Weasel from their body.

A pack of dire weasels can easily swarm a group of adventurers.

Therefore, as a Dungeon Master, be careful how many dire weasels you unleash on your players.

Types of D&D Dire Weasels

There are several different types of Dire Weasels in Dungeons and Dragons. Knowing these types will help you design D&D campaigns, combat encounters, and characters.

Black Dire Weasel

A black dire weasel is one of the most common types of dire weasels. Most of the dire weasels your player characters encounter will probably be black dire weasels.

However, Dire Weasels can also have brown or reddish fur.

Giant Dire Weasel

A standard size dire weasel is approximately 7 ft long. A giant dye or weasel is any dyer weasel bigger, bulkier, and longer than 7 ft.

For example, a 10 or 14 foot die weasel would be considered a giant dire weasel.

Giant dire weasels are stronger, tougher to defeat, and do more damage.

You can homebrew the amount of damage—1D6 or 8 For instance—and increase their skill bonuses.

A giant weasel might be a type of weasel boss.

They might be the alpha weasel in a pack of standard weasels.

When designing a D&D campaign, don’t throw too many giant weasels at your players at one time.

Unless your characters are strong enough to beat a dragon or kill a God in D&D, a pack of giant dire weasels will probably overrun and kill a group of lower-level players.

Note: Some sources use the terms Dire Weasel as giant weasel synonymously.

Kobold Dire Weasel

Some Kolbolds keep Dire Weasels as mounts or guard animals in their camp.

Since Kobolds are smaller humanoid creatures related to goblins, they can easily mount a larger Weasel.

Likewise, a small halfling ranger might be able to train and keep a dire weasel as a mount.

Larger humanoids, like humans, elves, and orcs, cannot mount dire weasels.

D&D Dire Weasel Familiar

Dire weasels make excellent familiars for spellcasters who need a little extra help in combat.

A familiar is a creature that bonds with a spellcaster to serve as an aide and companion. Familiars come in all shapes and sizes, and can be helpful to player characters in many ways.

For example, a Dire Weasel familiar can help its master fight more effectively, sneak into enemy territory, or cast spells on its own.

They are small, quick, and vicious. They can also help you find food and shelter, and perform other tasks to make your character’s life easier.

D&D Fiendish Dire Weasel

A Fiendish Dire Weasel is a fearsome creature that is the result of a cross between a dire weasel and a fiend.

These creatures are incredibly vicious, and they possess razor-sharp claws and teeth that can inflict grievous wounds on their opponents.

They are also quite fast, and they can move with great agility through the thickest underbrush.

In addition to their natural weapons, Fiendish Dire Weasels also wield powerful dark magic which they use to rend their opponents limb from limb or to incinerate them with blasts of Eldritch Fire.

Fiendish Dire Weasels can smite one good-aligned character once per day.

Phantom Dire Weasel

A Phantom Dire Weasel is a homebrewed creature that is the spectral image of a Dire Weasel.

It is described as being about the size of a very large dog, with ghostly white fur, red eyes, and razor-sharp claws and teeth.

The Phantom Dire Weasel has the ability to pass through walls and other solid objects, and it can launch itself at its prey with intense speed, slashing and biting with powerful strikes.

It is immune to all forms of damage except silver weapons or magical weapons.

Phantom Dire Weasels are often encountered in dark, abandoned places where they have been known to haunt the living inhabitants.

They are typically quite aggressive, seeking to kill any living creatures they come across.

This creature is often mistaken for a normal Dire Weasel, but upon closer inspection its otherworldly nature becomes clear.

They are particularly drawn to the scent of blood, and will often follow wounded prey until it’s too late.

Some people believe that the souls of wicked hunters may become trapped in the form of Phantom Dire Weasels after their death, and these creatures sometimes haunt the places where they killed their prey.

Dire Weasel Mount

A Dire Weasel Mount is any Dire Weasel that is trained to allow a character to ride it into battle.

They make fast and deadly rides.

Few creatures would dare to stand against this ferocious carnivore in battle.

If you’re looking to add some excitement to your next D&D game, be sure to consider adding a Dire Weasel Mount to your party.

What is the price of a Dire Weasel Mount?

  • In the Races of Stone (ROS) expansion to D&D, a Dire Weasel goes for 100 gold pieces.
  • Using the war beast template, you can get one for 150 gold pieces.
  • As a druid or cleric or ranger, you can summon one to train for free.

Warbeast Dire Weasel

Warbeasts are creatures bred and raised as mounts in the Dungeons and Dragons role-playing game.

They are similar to regular animals, but they have been trained and enhanced to become stronger, faster, and more deadly in combat.

A Warbeast Dire Weasel enhancements:

  • Hit points—Base Hit Points +1 (6d10 + 7)
  • Speed—Base speed of 40 + 10 feet (50 feet)
  • Ability bonuses—+3 to strength, +3 to Constitution, +2 to Wisdom
  • Skill bonuses—+1 to racial skills such as smell, sight, climb, sneak checks
  • Combative mounts—+2 bonus on ride checks

Warbeasts can also be used by wizards and other spellcasters as familiars.

The most popular warbeasts are horses/steeds.

Some of the more rare Warbeasts include the dragon, behir, chimera, and wyvern.

D&D Dire Weasel Treasure

Dire Weasel treasure can be nothing, animal pelt, or oil from the pelt used in a magical ritual.

A Dire Weasel pelt can be turned into light armor, a blanket, a carrying bag, or other items. It can also be sold for five gold pieces.

A magical character can combine Dire Weasel fur with acid to create a magical oil.

When the oil is doused on a melee-piercing weapon, the oil gives the weapon the Dire Weasel Attach ability for one attack action.

The weapon becomes attached to the target with an Armor class of 15.

The target can break free of the weapon by making a strength check against a Difficulty Class of 14.

Of course, any Dungeon Master can homebrew any type or amount of treasure for a Dire Weasel.

Where To Find a Dire Weasel in D&D?

Player characters can find Dire Weasels in burrows and dens.

In the Forgotten Realms, Dire Weasels are common in the North, Moonshae Isles, the Cormanthor forest, Semberholme, and Undermountain.

You can also often find Dire Weasels in kobold territories.

D&D Dire Weasel Versions

Weasels have existed in D&D since the very first version.

However, it wasn’t until the 3.5 edition that Dungeons and Dragons introduced Dire Weasels as a monster.

Here is a timeline:

  • D&D 1st Edition—Standard weasels
  • D&D 3.5 Dire Weasel—Dire Weasels introduced
  • D&D 4e Dire Weasel—Dire Weasels remained the same
  • D&D 5e Dire Weasel—Dire Weasels remained the same
  • D&D 6e Dire Weasel—Dire Weasels will likely remain the same

How Big Is a D&D Dire Weasel?

A D&D Dire Weasel is typically 4 ft tall, which is 60 inches. As mentioned earlier, they tend to grow to an adult length of between 7 and 10 ft.

That’s to say, these Dire Weasels are massive creatures.

You certainly don’t want to stumble into one or more in the dark.

How To Get a Dire Weasel Familiar

There are several ways to get a Dire Weasel familiar in D&D. One way is to find a wizard who is willing to sell you one.

Another way is to capture a wild Dire Weasel and tame it.

A third way is to summon a Dire Weasel using spellcasting or special magic items.

If you are a magical character, you can choose the Find Familiar spell as one of your first-level spells. Then, when you cast this spell near Dire Weasel territory, you can get a familiar.

Keep in mind that the Find Familiar spell requires 1 hour of concentration and a few material components.

Components such as:

  • Charcoal
  • Incense
  • Herbs

These components must be worth 10 gold pieces.

As a third-level warlock, you can access the Pact of the Chain Invocation.

This will allow you to get a familiar.

A wizard could also cast the Fine Familiar spell onto a Ring of Spell Storing. Then, the wizard can give this magical ring to any player character.

That’s how any character in D&D can get a Dire Weasel familiar. 

Dire Weasel Pet Stats

A Dire Weasel pet possesses the same stats as a standard dire weasel.

The hit points, attributes, and special skills remain the same. See the stat blocks at the top of this article for all of the full details.

A player character can purchase a Dire Weasel pup or adult.

Characters can also search, find, and tame a Dire Weasel in the wild.

Cost of a Dire Weasel Pup

The cost of a Dire Weasel pup is 150 gold pieces, the same as a full-grown Dire Weasel.

By handing over this amount, you can buy your very own baby Dire Weasel. Your Dungeon Master can also lower or raise the price using homebrew rules.

For example, an aging wizard might be selling off Dire Weasel pups at a discount.

What D&D Books Contain Dire Weseals?

You can find Dire Weasels in several D&D books:

  • You can find a D&D module that centers on Dire Weasels called Fiendish Dire Weasel.
  • D&D Monster Manual
  • Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
  • Volo’s Guide to Monsters

Online, you can find digital information about Dire Weasels on D&D Beyond and Roll20.net.

Dire Weasel Ideas

You can use Dire Weasels in so many ways in your D&D campaigns and one-shots. They can be pets, familiars, mounts, and random combat encounters.

Here is a list of Dire Weasel ideas:

  • The players must stop a Dire Weasel mill on the edge of town.
  • The players stumble into a den of Dire Weasels at night.
  • The players are hired to track down a Giant Dire Weasel that has been terrorizing a small village.
  • A Dire Weasel breaks into a wizard’s tower and steals some of his or her magical items.
  • The players must battle an ancient, powerful, and angry Fiendish Dire Weasel that is wreaking havoc in the forest.
  • The players must steal Dire Weasel mounts from a tribe of Kobolds.
  • A Dire Weasel is loose in a city and is terrorizing the citizens.
  • Dire Weasels are raiding a farmstead and the players must stop them.
  • A group of adventurers finds themselves in a strange plane where all the creatures are variants of Dire Weasels.
  • A powerful wizard has been using Dire Weasel blood to create a magical Polymorph potion.

Dire Weasel Miniatures

A D&D Dire Weasel miniature is a small plastic or metal figurine that represents a Dire Weasel.

The miniature is often used by players of the game to represent the creature on the game board and can be purchased from game retailers or online auction sites.

The miniature is typically around 1 1/2 to 2 inches in height.

Miniatures like this can be collected and displayed on shelves or in cabinets. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with some being quite detailed and others being more simple.

Most miniatures are sold in sets, containing several different creatures or characters.

Dire Weasel Art (D&D)

Dire Weasel art is any image, picture, drawing, graphic, or non-fungible token (NFT) depicting a Dire Weasel.

They are often used as visual aids by Dungeon Masters when running a game.

Dire Weasel images can also be used as standalone pieces of art.

They are sometimes drawn in a simplified style that makes them easy to understand, and they can be very effective at conveying the mood or atmosphere of a scene.

Final Thoughts

One of my favorite former D&D characters traveled with a pack of trained Dire Weasels.

It was so much fun to find interesting and creative ways to use the Dire Weasels during any situation in a campaign.

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