50 Best DND Props (Easy, Original, & Fun)

From tactile dice to intricate miniatures, we’ve curated a list of the best DND props that are essential for a truly memorable adventure.

Elevate your game and inspire unforgettable moments with this ultimate list of must-have props.

Top 5 Best DND Props Every DND Group Needs

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Digital image of a group of people playing DND around a table - Best DND Props
I made this image – Best DND Props

Let’s start with my top picks for the 5 Best DND props you must have:

Best DND PropsSuggested Items 
DiceSARUOHHA Hollow DND Metal Dice Set
MiniaturesArcknight Flat Plastic Miniatures
MapsDungeon Books of Battle Mats
DM ScreenCZYY DND Dungeon Master Screen
ProjectorYABER Pro V9 4K Projector
Chart: Top 5 Best DND Props You Must Have

Easy Props

Let’s start with easy and useful props for DND.

1. Dice Sets

One of the easiest props to incorporate into your D&D game is a set of polyhedral dice.

Each player can have their own set of dice to roll for various in-game actions.

Not only are dice sets functional, but they can also serve as a personal and aesthetic expression of the player’s character.

There are numerous options to choose from, ranging from standard sets to specialty designs.

Example Uses:

  • Roll for character creation
  • Roll for skill checks and combat
  • Personalize with thematic colors and designs

2. Printed Maps (Or Digital Versions)

A printed map can provide a visual representation of the world in which the characters are adventuring.

The map can be as detailed or as broad as you like.

It can be easily customized to fit the campaign’s specific setting.

A map helps players understand the geography, distances, and important landmarks in the world.

Example Uses:

  • Display important towns and cities
  • Mark known dungeons or hidden locations
  • Track character progress throughout the campaign

For quality free maps, check out the links at the bottom of this article.

3. Miniatures

Miniatures, or minis, are small figures representing the characters and monsters in the game.

They can be used on a battle map or game board to visualize combat scenarios, positioning, and movement.

Minis can be easily customized to match the appearance of the player’s character.

Or the monsters they’re facing.

Example Uses:

  • Visualize character and monster positions during combat
  • Represent players’ characters for a more immersive experience
  • Use as a prop for role-playing and storytelling

4. Character Tokens

Provide your players with character tokens as props for your D&D game.

These tokens can represent their character’s class, race, or unique abilities.

Players can use these tokens on the game board or as reminders of their character’s special skills.

Example Uses:

  • Use tokens to represent character movement on the game board
  • Keep track of special abilities with tokens
  • Identify character class or race with unique tokens

5. In-Character Letters

Encourage your players to write in-character letters as props for your D&D game.

These letters can be addressed to NPCs, family members, or other characters in the game world.

In-character letters help players engage with their character’s relationships and add depth to the game world.

Example Uses:

  • Write letters to NPC family members or friends
  • Communicate with other player characters through letters
  • Engage with the game world by writing to organizations or factions

Check out this video for even more easy DND Props:

YouTube Video by Power Word Spill – Best DND Props

Immersive Props

There is a lot to be said for DND props that immerse players into the campaign world.

Here are some of my favorite immerse props.

6. Ambient Lighting

Creating the right ambiance with lighting is an effective way to immerse your players in D&D.

Use candles, lanterns, or even smart lights to set the mood for different in-game settings.

This can create a more atmospheric experience for players.

Example Uses:

  • Use candlelight for creepy dungeons
  • Change colors with smart lights to match different environments
  • Create dynamic lighting effects for spells and magical items

7. Costume Pieces

Encouraging players to wear costume pieces, such as hats, cloaks, or jewelry, that represent their character’s class or race can add an immersive element to the game.

These props help players feel more connected to their characters.

They can also enhance role-playing interactions.

Example Uses:

  • Wear a wizard hat for spellcasting characters
  • Don cloaks for rogue or ranger characters
  • Adorn jewelry representing a character’s magical items

8. Music and Soundscapes

Music and soundscapes are fantastic tools to enhance the atmosphere of your game.

There are plenty of resources available online with fantasy-themed music and ambient sound effects, tailored to different settings and scenarios, such as forests, dungeons, or battles.

Example Uses:

  • Play music to set the mood for different locations
  • Use sound effects to enhance encounters and events
  • Create a custom playlist for your campaign

9. Real Props

Incorporating real-life items, such as scrolls, coins, or keys, into your game can add a tangible element to the gameplay.

Players can hold and interact with these props.

As you might guess, this adds a sense of immersion and involvement in the story.

These props can represent in-game items or even serve as clues for puzzles.

Example Uses:

  • Use scrolls to deliver quest information or secret messages
  • Hand out coins as in-game currency or reward for quests
  • Utilize keys as a prop for unlocking doors or solving puzzles

Player Props

It’s time to get a bit more specific with some cool player props for DND.

10. Character Journals

Encouraging players to keep a journal for their characters can help them dive deeper into their role-playing experience.

A character journal can be used to track their thoughts, goals, and personal growth.

This can also serve as a useful tool for the Dungeon Master to understand their players’ motivations and incorporate them into the story.

Example Uses:

  • Record character backstory and personality traits
  • Document significant events and encounters
  • Keep track of personal goals and quests

11. Spell Cards

Spell cards can be a great prop for spellcasting characters.

Players can create a deck of cards representing their available spells, making it easier to track which spells they have prepared and their remaining spell slots.

This can also be a fun way to add a personal touch to their character.

They can design their cards with unique artwork or thematic elements.

Example Uses:

  • Create a custom deck for each spellcasting character
  • Use spell cards to quickly reference spell details during combat
  • Design cards to match the character’s theme or style

12. In-Character Artifacts

Providing players with small artifacts representing their character’s personal items, such as family heirlooms, trinkets, or letters, can enhance their connection to their character’s backstory.

These artifacts can serve as physical reminders of their character’s past and motivations.

Example Uses:

  • Use a locket to represent a character’s family connection
  • Carry a trinket representing a character’s personal memento
  • Incorporate letters or notes as part of the character’s backstory

13. Wax Seals

Use wax seals as props for your D&D game to add authenticity to in-game letters, documents, or scrolls.

Create custom wax seals using wax sticks and metal stamps with unique designs or symbols.

Wax seals can give your game world a touch of realism and make players feel like they’re handling important or confidential information.

Example Uses:

  • Seal in-game letters or documents with wax seals
  • Create unique designs or symbols for different organizations or factions
  • Use wax seals to enhance the mystery or importance of a scroll or message

14. Costume Accessories

Encourage your players to wear costume accessories as props for your D&D game.

This can include items like hats, cloaks, or jewelry that represent their character’s class or background.

Wearing costume accessories can help players get into character and make the game more immersive.

Example Uses:

  • Wear a cloak to represent a rogue or wizard character
  • Don a hat to represent a noble or merchant character
  • Use jewelry to represent a character’s magical items

15. Custom Spell Books

Create custom spellbooks as props for your D&D game for players who play spellcasting characters.

These spellbooks can include descriptions of the spells, components, and casting times.

Custom spell books make spell management more fun and personal.

Example Uses:

  • Keep track of known spells with a custom spell book
  • Record spell components and casting times
  • Add flavor to the game with personalized spell book designs

Free Props

Any props are great but they can quickly get expensive.

With your budget in mind, here are some 100% free (or not extra cost) props for you to use in your next adventure.

16. Natural Elements

Utilize natural elements like rocks, leaves, or sticks as props for your D&D game.

These can be easily found outdoors and used to represent terrain, obstacles, or even magical items in the game.

Using natural elements adds an organic touch to the game setting.

Example Uses:

  • Use rocks to mark difficult terrain or obstacles
  • Represent a druid’s magic with leaves and plants
  • Incorporate sticks as wands or staffs

17. Digital Resources

There are numerous digital resources available online for free.

From virtual tabletop platforms to character sheet templates and online dice rollers, these resources can help streamline gameplay and enhance the gaming experience.

Example Uses:

  • Use online platforms for remote play
  • Download printable character sheets and resources
  • Utilize digital dice rollers and random generators

18. Improvised Props

You don’t need to spend money on fancy props to enhance your D&D adventures.

Look around your home and improvise with what you have available.

A simple scarf can become a wizard’s cloak, a kitchen timer can represent a ticking bomb, or a stack of books can become a towering fortress.

Example Uses:

  • Transform everyday objects into immersive props
  • Use a kitchen timer for time-sensitive challenges
  • Repurpose household items as set pieces

19. Hand-Drawn Art

You don’t need to be an artist to create hand-drawn art.

Sketching a quick map, doodling monsters, or drawing character portraits can add a personal touch to your game and help players visualize the world and its inhabitants.

Hand-drawn art is an excellent way to bring your world to life without spending any money.

Example Uses:

  • Draw a quick map of the dungeon
  • Sketch character portraits for players
  • Doodle monsters or NPC images

20. Voice Modulation

Using different voices or accents for your NPCs can be a free and effective “prop” for D&D.

Changing your voice can help your players distinguish between characters and makes the game more immersive.

Experiment with various tones, accents, and speech patterns to bring your NPCs to life.

Example Uses:

  • Use a deep voice for a stern guard
  • Adopt a foreign accent for a mysterious stranger
  • Use a high-pitched voice for a mischievous imp

21. Handwritten Letters (From the DM)

Incorporate handwritten letters as a prop to deliver messages, quests, or lore to your players.

Write the letters in character and use aged paper or different writing styles to add authenticity.

Handwritten letters can create a tangible connection to the game world and its characters.

Example Uses:

  • Deliver a quest through a letter from a noble
  • Share lore or history through a discovered note
  • Provide clues for a mystery through an anonymous letter

22. Found Objects

Repurpose found objects as props for your D&D game.

Old keys, broken jewelry, or discarded trinkets can be used to represent magical items, artifacts, or quest items.

Using real objects adds a tangible element to the game and helps players connect with the world.

Example Uses:

  • Use an old key as a quest item to unlock a secret door
  • Repurpose broken jewelry as a magical amulet
  • Incorporate discarded trinkets as hidden treasures

Creative Props

Jazz up your DND sessions with these unique and creative props.

23. Custom Coins

Creating custom coins is a creative and immersive way to handle in-game currency.

You can use wooden or plastic discs and decorate them with paint, markers, or stickers.

These custom coins give players a chance to interact with fantasy finances.

Example Uses:

  • Design different denominations for your game world
  • Use coins as rewards for completing quests
  • Incorporate coins into in-game trade and transactions

24. 3D-Printed Terrain

If you have access to a 3D printer, you can create impressive terrain pieces for your D&D game.

Design and print custom buildings, trees, or rock formations that fit your campaign setting.

These 3D-printed props add depth and dimension to your game and make exploration more engaging.

Example Uses:

  • Create modular terrain pieces for different settings
  • Design custom buildings and landmarks
  • Add texture and dimension to the game environment

25. Interactive Puzzles

Incorporate interactive puzzles to challenge your players and engage their minds.

Design physical puzzles, such as lockboxes, riddles, or pattern-based challenges, that players must solve to unlock doors, discover hidden information, or advance the story.

Example Uses:

  • Design a lockbox with a combination lock
  • Create riddles for players to solve
  • Incorporate pattern-based challenges for puzzles

26. Personalized Character Tokens

Creating personalized character tokens for your players is a creative way to enhance DND.

Design and craft tokens that represent each character’s abilities, items, or unique features.

These tokens can be used to track abilities, activate special powers, or simply serve as a reminder of the character’s unique attributes.

Example Uses:

  • Track special abilities with custom tokens
  • Create tokens representing magical items
  • Use tokens to activate class features

27. Storytelling Cards

Incorporate storytelling cards to add variety and unexpected twists to the narrative.

Create a deck of cards with various events, encounters, or challenges, and draw them at random during the game.

This provides an element of unpredictability and keeps players engaged and attentive.

Example Uses:

  • Design cards with random encounters
  • Create event cards that affect the game world
  • Use cards to introduce new plot twists

28. Potion Bottles

Potion bottles are a creative way to represent magical potions and elixirs.

Use small glass or plastic bottles and fill them with colored liquids or other materials.

Label them with names and descriptions, and hand them out to players when they find or purchase potions in the game.

Example Uses:

  • Design potions with unique effects
  • Label bottles with potion names and descriptions
  • Use potion bottles as rewards for quests and exploration

29. Scented Candles

Incorporate scented candles as props to engage your players’ sense of smell.

Choose scents that match the game environment, such as earthy scents for forests or salty scents for coastal areas.

Scented candles can enhance the atmosphere and immerse players in the world.

Example Uses:

  • Use earthy scents for forest settings
  • Choose salty scents for coastal areas
  • Select floral scents for elven enclaves

30. Physical Traps

Design physical traps to make exploration more exciting.

Create traps using everyday objects, such as strings, weights, or pressure-sensitive pads, and incorporate them into the game environment.

Physical traps make the adventures more fun and tactile.

Example Uses:

  • Set up a tripwire using string
  • Create a pressure-sensitive trap with a weight and pad
  • Design a hidden pit trap with a cloth-covered hole

31. Custom Spell Scrolls

Create custom spell scrolls as props to represent discovered spells, magical scrolls, or arcane knowledge.

Design the scrolls using aged paper, calligraphy, and decorative elements.

Custom spell scrolls help players connect with the magical aspects of the world.

Example Uses:

  • Design scrolls with unique spells
  • Incorporate scrolls as quest rewards
  • Use scrolls to introduce new magical lore

32. Themed Snacks

Incorporate themed snacks to engage your players’ sense of taste.

Choose snacks that match the game setting, such as medieval-style bread and cheese for a fantasy world or futuristic snacks for a sci-fi setting.

Themed snacks add an element of immersion and enjoyment to the game.

Example Uses:

  • Serve medieval-style bread and cheese for a fantasy world
  • Offer futuristic snacks for a sci-fi setting
  • Provide themed snacks for in-game festivals and feasts

33. Personalized Heraldry

Create coats of arms, banners, or symbols representing each character’s family, guild, or faction.

Personalized heraldry provides a sense of identity and history to the characters and enhances the world’s lore.

Example Uses:

  • Design coats of arms for noble characters
  • Create banners for guilds and factions
  • Incorporate symbols as identifying marks for characters

34. Weather Effects

Incorporate weather effects as props to enhance the atmosphere and add realism to the game world.

Use fans, misters, or sound effects to simulate wind, rain, or other weather conditions.

Weather effects offers a dynamic element to the game and make the world feel more alive.

Example Uses:

  • Use a fan to simulate wind in a storm
  • Utilize a mister to represent rain or fog
  • Incorporate sound effects for thunder and lightning

35. Time Capsules

Create time capsules to deliver information, lore, or treasures from the past.

Design the capsules using boxes, containers, or envelopes and fill them with items or information relevant to the game world.

Time capsules can create a sense of history and mystery in the game.

Example Uses:

  • Design time capsules with historical information
  • Incorporate capsules as a way to deliver clues for a quest
  • Use capsules to reveal hidden treasures from the past

36. Hidden Messages

Incorporate hidden messages as props in your D&D game to create intrigue and mystery.

Use ciphers, codes, or invisible ink to hide information that players must uncover.

Hidden messages can challenge players’ problem-solving skills.

Example Uses:

  • Create ciphers for players to decode
  • Use invisible ink for secret messages
  • Incorporate coded messages into the game world

37. Custom Minis

Create custom minis to represent characters, monsters, or NPCs.

Use clay, 3D printing, or custom painting to create unique minis that match your game world.

Custom minis add a personal touch to the game and make it more visually engaging.

Example Uses:

  • Design custom minis for player characters
  • Create unique monsters for your campaign
  • Paint minis to match the game setting

38. Prophecy Scrolls

Incorporate prophecy scrolls to foreshadow events or introduce plot hooks.

Write prophecies in a cryptic or poetic style and present them to players in a scroll format.

Prophecy scrolls can create a sense of mystery and anticipation in the game.

Example Uses:

  • Foreshadow upcoming events with prophecies
  • Introduce plot hooks through cryptic prophecies
  • Challenge players to interpret and fulfill prophecies

39. Puzzle Boxes

Create puzzle boxes to test your players’ problem-solving skills.

These can be physical puzzles or riddles that players must solve to unlock a box containing a reward or important information.

Puzzle boxes introduce a hands-on aspect to the game and can enhance the thrill of exploration.

Example Uses:

  • Design a puzzle box with a hidden compartment for a quest item
  • Use a puzzle box as a lock for a secret door
  • Incorporate riddles into puzzle boxes for added challenge

40. Custom Currency

Design custom currency to represent the different monetary systems in your game world.

Create coins, paper money, or trade tokens using materials like metal, paper, or clay.

Custom currency brings an element of authenticity to the game, heightening the sense of immersion.

Example Uses:

  • Use custom coins for in-game transactions
  • Design paper money for different kingdoms or factions
  • Incorporate trade tokens for specific markets or events

41. 3D Terrain

Create 3D terrain as props to bring the game world to life visually.

Use materials like foam, cardboard, or clay to create landscapes, buildings, and obstacles.

3D terrain adds a sense of depth and realism to the game and makes exploration and combat more visually engaging.

Example Uses:

  • Design 3D landscapes for outdoor exploration
  • Create buildings and structures for urban settings
  • Incorporate obstacles and features for combat encounters

42. Magic Wands

Incorporate magic wands as stand ins for spellcasters’ foci or magic items.

Create wands using materials like wood, clay, or plastic, and decorate them with symbols, gems, or paint.

Magic wands bring a touchable spark to the game.

Example Uses:

  • Design custom wands for spellcasting characters
  • Incorporate wands as magical items with unique properties
  • Use wands to represent different schools of magic

43. Faction Symbols

Create faction symbols for different organizations or groups in your fantasy world.

Design symbols using materials like cloth, metal, or paper, and incorporate them into badges, banners, or tokens.

Faction symbols add depth to the game world and help players identify with their chosen factions.

Example Uses:

  • Design badges for players aligned with a specific faction
  • Incorporate banners for faction headquarters or events
  • Use tokens to represent faction membership or influence

44. Character Portraits

Provide character portraits to help players visualize their characters and enhance role-playing.

Commission or create portraits that reflect the characters’ appearance, background, and personality.

Character portraits help players connect with their characters.

Example Uses:

  • Create portraits for player characters to display during sessions
  • Incorporate portraits into character sheets or journals
  • Use portraits to introduce new NPCs

45. Custom Dice

Offer custom dice to illustrate different aspects of the game world or unique abilities.

Design dice with custom symbols, colors, or materials to match the game setting or theme.

Custom dice make rolling more exciting.

Example Uses:

  • Design custom dice for specific classes or abilities
  • Incorporate dice with unique symbols for different factions
  • Use custom colors or materials to match the game setting

46. Spell Components

Incorporate spell components for the materials required to cast spells.

Use real or fake materials like herbs, crystals, or feathers to match the components listed in the spells.

Spell components enhance the experience for spellcasting characters.

Example Uses:

  • Use real or fake herbs for spells requiring herbal components
  • Incorporate crystals or gems for spells with costly components
  • Use feathers or other materials for spells with unique components

47. Herbal Pouches

Incorporate herbal pouches as props for your D&D game to represent in-game herbs, alchemical ingredients, or magical reagents.

Create pouches using fabric or leather and fill them with real or fake herbs, spices, or dried flowers.

Example Uses:

  • Use herbal pouches to represent alchemical ingredients
  • Incorporate herbal pouches as magical reagents for spells or rituals
  • Design pouches with unique scents or textures for different herbs or ingredients

48. Signature Items

Signature items are unique equipment or possessions possessed by player characters.

Create items like weapons, shields, or trinkets using materials like foam, plastic, or clay.

Signature items allow players to feel a stronger connection to their characters.

Example Uses:

  • Design custom weapons for player characters
  • Incorporate shields or armor with unique symbols or designs
  • Create trinkets or tokens that represent a character’s background or personality

49. Enchanted Hourglasses

Conjure up a sense of urgency to your game with enchanted hourglasses.

These can be regular hourglasses that you claim have magical properties.

Use them to limit the time players have to make decisions, solve puzzles, or escape from dangerous situations.

Example Uses:

  • Use an hourglass to count down the time until a trap is sprung
  • Set an hourglass as a timer for a complex riddle or puzzle
  • Incorporate an hourglass into a quest where time is of the essence

50. Projector

Take your D&D game to the next level with a projector.

This versatile piece of technology can be used to display a variety of multimedia elements.

Whether you’re projecting images of ancient ruins, showing a villain’s lair, or creating an interactive map, a projector adds a whole new dimension to your tabletop role-playing sessions.

Example Uses:

  • Display battle maps on your table, allowing you to move tokens around or change the terrain in real-time, making for a dynamic and interactive combat experience.
  • Project images or videos to set the scene for your campaign, whether it’s a bustling city, an eerie forest, or a mysterious dungeon.
  • Show high-quality images of NPCs or monsters, providing your players with a clear visual representation of the characters they’re interacting with.
  • Simulate magical illusions, ghostly apparitions, or even dream sequences by projecting ethereal images onto a surface or a semi-transparent screen.

Final Thoughts: Best DND Props

In the end, the best DND props are the ones you use and love.

If you’re looking for more DND-boosters, check out our articles on name generators, DND shops, and free digital maps.

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